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Deliver a vibrant curriculum to thousands of children

Strengthen families

Spread truth, beauty, and goodness


Your financial assistance ensures that the CMEC can provide a living education to families around the world. Donor support helps mothers like Casey in Arizona say:

The CMEC has a unique way of providing a formal, comprehensive Charlotte Mason curriculum without displacing the role of the parent-teacher. There is as much emphasis on the growth of the teacher, as the growth of the student, and they offer ample opportunities in support of that emphasis! I've never felt like the CMEC has done all the work for me. Rather, I feel like they've given me the necessary tools and confidence to provide a beautifully rich Charlotte Mason education that is second to none! I don't know of any other curriculum that cares as deeply about the mother-teacher!

I've grown tremendously as a mother-teacher through our years with the CMEC, and I haven't even scratched the surface of all CMEC has to offer!

The CMEC has helped clarify the philosophical shift from "teacher" to "guide.” They've helped me understand what it truly means to "get out of the way,” placing the student in a position of ownership over their own education, and what that looks like. This education is an opportunity for the student to explore rich content, connect with ideas, and share what's important to them, resulting in their OWN incredible demonstration of discoveries and knowledge collected along the way! What other curriculum has students exclaiming, "I love exam week!"

Your charitable donation will bring Charlotte Mason’s life-giving homeschooling methods to more families around the world!

Join in Our Mission

We invite you to make a secure, tax-deductible donation here:

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Checks payable to “The CMEC” may be sent to the following address:

The Charlotte Mason Educational Center

Attn: Amy Snell, President

112 N Flowers Mill Rd. #1004

Langhorne, PA 19047

For more information about how you can partner with the CMEC, please reach out to Amy Snell at amy@thecmec.org.

For questions about your donation, please contact support@thecmec.org.

The Charlotte Mason Educational Center of Pennsylvania (CMEC) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization 

and contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

More about Our Mission

At the CMEC we are dedicated to putting Charlotte Mason’s philosophy into practice. Mason was a British educator and philosopher who believed that children deserve a broad education that is delightful, challenging, and life-giving

Mason spread her educational approach far and wide through the Parents' National Educational Union, her teacher training college, and a monthly journal she published, the Parents' Review.

During her life, her philosophy gained the support of professors, teachers, educationalists, and homeschool families around the world. This legacy continued for many decades after her death -- and we at the CMEC continue it today.

After starting as a small co-op in the Philadelphia area in 2011, we slowly expanded to reach others in our local community, building a curriculum and offering webinar training. Soon many of our friends around the country wanted to join too!

From the beginning, our offerings have been shaped by what the real families we lived and learned with have needed to be successful with Mason’s principles and programs.

Please join with us as we create a network of “thinking parents,” as Sarah in Indiana writes:

The CMEC is for the thinking mom -- the mom who wants to enjoy the journey of self-education alongside her children, not simply "homeschool" them. I love that it's a place where there is freedom to think deeply and not just do a thing because some curriculum writer said it was to be done,  that the community and the programs are aimed at equipping children to do the work of learning and building up their minds themselves. It is a place that feels serious, in the sense of intellectually important -- we are encountering the really human things together as we study God, His people, and His creation -- but also joyful and beautiful.


Thank you for supporting our work.

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